Souvenir Game Rules

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Liminal Unlimited
Beauty Always on the Margins-Occasionally Unsanctioned


The detritus of life constitutes a modern souvenir, a memory in the form of waste that is the residue of experience. The basics of feeding and clothing oneself contribute to an inevitable collection of discarded souvenirs. The packaging, or the souvenirs, of daily consumer life adds up to a cultural collection. Stockpiled in landfills and in the ocean, this detritus forms a long-term cultural collection that reflects consumer choices. I am interested in taking an active role in this passive form of cultural accumulation by making conscious choices about detritus and formulating those choices into art.


Part One-The Control/Passive Collection: For five days prior to the show, I will collect, wash, and document all of the trash my family and I collect without being unusually concerned about our daily souvenirs.

Part Two-Reduction/The Active Collection: For the four weeks of the show, my family and I will make every possible effort to reduce our souvenir collection.

All souvenirs will be wrapped and displayed in the New York Times. This is a visual attempt to link individual actions to a larger archive of actions

Game Rules:
We are setting up this project within the parameters of game rules. To view the rules just click.

Game Rules


All reduction methods and re-use ideas will be posted to a blog and compiled into a LOG. The LOG will be an ongoing display at OPENSOURCE Art for the duration of the show.

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